Mars reaches its opposition and “kisses” the Moon!

Mars reaches its opposition and “kisses” the Moon!

Less than 1 minute Minutes

I caught the Moon and Mars a few minutes after the end of the occultation!

December 7, 2022: I marked this date on my calendar because of Mars opposition and a lunar occultation that was visible from my location, only to discover that the cloud coverage was 100% during the occultation.

However, I prepared my scope and my planetary camera, just in case.

The sky was cloudy for the entire duration of the occultation, but cleared for a few minutes around 11:35 pm EST, well after the end of the occultation. Weather conditions during the acquisition were very challenging (as you can see from the video below), but I am happy with the reward of my perseverance: I captured the Full Moon and Mars in opposition!

Date: 2022-12-07
Time: 11:38pm EST
Location: my driveway in Richmond Hill (ON)
Scope: Explore Scientific ED80 CF
Mount: Celestron AVX
Camera: ZWO ASI224MC, IR-Cut filter
Software: FireCapture, Autostakkert, Registax, GIMP

The image was taken 20 minutes after the end of the occultation and is the result of the best 30% frames from a 10 sec. video. Mars, with some of its features, is visible on the bottom right of the image.
You can use the slider to scroll the image and show or hide the annotation of Mars. 
The Moon and Mars on December 07, 2022The Moon and Mars on December 07, 2022
This is a 5 sec. sequence extracted from one of the videos I captured on the opposition night. You can see fast clouds passing in front of the Moon and the planet Mars to the bottom right corner of the video.